My son had gone through the same revelation January of 2011 at the age of 21. He started eating healthy, working out, and drinking water. No magic potion or spell involved. As of this writing he has lost over 100lbs. He looks and feels amazing, so much that he hopes to be a personal trainer or physical therapist to help others start to feel better about themselves.
I had a conversation with my son and then came to the conclusion that no one would take him seriously if his mom was not living a healthy life - in essence his family is his billboard. It was then that I knew what I had to do. I had to take the time and put in the effort to take care of myself.
I started exercise slowly by walking and an occasional run of 2 to 3 minutes. My dear sister-in-law and her sister called me from the car and on speaker the last week of October after a Zumba class they had just attended. They invited me to a free class and their last words were - we will NOT take no for an answer. Damn... now I had to go ugh.
I went to my free class and have not looked back! Approximately 60lbs, 5 dress sizes later and 6 inches lost from my back, I'm still going strong :) Special thanks to my Zumba instructor, Julie Ramirez!
In January I joined a 6 week weight loss challenge at Studio Energia (the Zumba studio) and won! The coveted prize was 5 months free of unlimited Zumba. Thanks to membership specials I am literally paid in full for the rest of 2012. I also log my meals on my iPhone using the LoseIt app, to be honest at times I get a bit lazy but it the calories really do add up.
Losing all that weight has allowed me to continue to improve my running distance and time. I am now able to run up to 2.5 miles non-stop. What..what... Anna is a runner now? Never in a million years did I think I would ever be a runner. I have never run ever in my life ran as a sport much less enjoyment. My husband has been my main support system, my current weight is the lowest he has ever known me to be. Last week we ran 2.5 miles 2x while on vacation in Vegas when the temps were 108. We ran at 7 and 8 in the morning so it was a balmy 80.
So here we are at the 1/2 mark and I have accepted yet another challenge from my RockStar cousin. The challenge is to eat healthy and work out 6 out of the 7 days for the next month and a half.
I will be working out for 2 hours a day 3 days a week. Weight training the first hour and Zumba the second hour. The days I have only one hour of Zumba I will run 2 miles during my lunch hour so working out 2x a day. I will give myself a day off on Sunday. The days I do weight training I make sure to have a protein shake to ensure I'm eating enough to keep losing weight. Kinda crazy and I know sounds totally like BS, but when I didn't eat enough I stopped losing weight.
I'm posting my before and NOW pics.. can't wait until I post my before and AFTER pics :) Stay tuned!
AWESOME AWESOME!!! Congrats to both you and Jon, and I can't wait to take your fabulous 'AFTER' pics!! =D